What to Expect with Scenery Hill’s Up-and-coming High-Speed Internet

June 1, 2022

(Check to see if you can get high-speed internet installed to your scenery hill location: https://dqehomefiber.com)


Fiber internet will soon be a reality for historic Scenery Hill and will be prepared to serve 97 houses and five businesses along Rt.40. The North Bethlehem Township Supervisors and the Scenery Hill Civic Committee are working closely with The Washington County commissioners and county’s selected internet provider DQE Communications. 

What Internet Speed is Coming?

The minimum speed that will be offered is a symmetrical 100/100 MBPS for an approximate cost of $60-$70 per month with no contract and no installation or setup fee.

It is anticipated that in addition to 100/100 MBPS, other speeds will be available including 250/250 MBPS, 500/500 MBPS, and 1 GBPS.

What is the Prospective Timeline?

The project will be starting by July 2022 with a completion by December 2022. Early discussions are happening about the extension of DQE fiber to other roads in North Bethlehem Township and surrounding communities. DQE will be creating a residential portal later in 2022 to allow residents to request extension of fiber to their homes and businesses.